Library Board
- John Sanslow – President
- Margaret Feierabend – Vice President, TN Council Representative
- Ted Black, Jr. – Secretary
- Anne Rife – Treasurer
- Michael Pollard – VA Council Representative
- Jennifer Breuer – HRRL Representative
- Tonia Kestner – Executive Director
- Don Ashley
- Steven Gobble
- Barry Hopper
- Liesa Jenkins
- Danny Peterson
- Peter Stigers
- Vacant – TN Student Representative
- Vacant – VA Student Representative
The Library maintains a publicly-accessible site for the display and storage of numerous Board-approved or Board-reviewed documents, such as bylaws, standing rules, budgets, etc.
Board Member Terms of Office:
Tennessee Members
- The regular term of office for Tennessee members shall be three years, with a maximum of two consecutive full terms, in accordance with Tennessee Code § 10-3-103 (Library Board — Appointment — Terms).
- A three-year interval between two consecutive terms is required before an individual can serve another term.
Virginia Members
- The regular term of office for Virginia members shall be four years, with a maximum of two consecutive full terms, in accordance with Virginia Code § 42.1-35 (Library boards generally).
- A three-year interval between two consecutive terms is required before an individual can serve another term.
The Board presently meets the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm. Members are expected to attend all meetings unless prevented by a valid reason. Additional Board meetings and committee meetings are scheduled when necessary.
Responsibilities of Board Trustees
The Board determines the policies, plans, and services of the Library. This includes bylaws, service policies, mission statement and long-range plans.
The Board employs a qualified Library Director and conducts annual appraisals of his/her performance.
The Library Board approves the annual budget and secures adequate funding for the operation of the Library and its programs. Review of income and expenditures are conducted monthly by the Board.
Board members are expected to become familiar with local, state, and federal library laws, and are encouraged to attend regional, state, and national trustee meetings and workshops.
Board members cooperate with other public officials and Boards, and maintain good public relations, as they represent the Library to the community and the community to the Library.
All members are expected to serve on at least one subcommittee of the Board.
Library Board of Trustee Officers